Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Retarding Over-Sensitivity

So I like to think of myself as an educated guy and I try to keep up with what's going on with the world. I read CNN.com on a daily basis (not because I like the network AT ALL, but because the site is well laid out, covers relevant stories and updates constantly). So I read a story today that I felt compelled to write a little something about. Think I'm gonna say something about the Olympics? I love em, but nope. The conflict between Russia and Georgia? I'm sick of it already. No, what I'd like to point your attention to is an article titled "Dozens Protest at 'Tropic Thunder' Premiere". I'll save you some time so you don't have to run over there and take a look. Basically, a lot of people are very upset that the movie has fun at the expense of the mentally disabled.

Yeah, the protesters lined up because apparently during the new Ben Stiller comedy the characters throw the word retard around like it's their job. Oops, am I not supposed to say "that" word? Don't be retarded, I can say whatever the hell I want. Retard advocacy groups are upset, the Special Olympics is trying to organize a boycott of the film and signs like "Ban the movie, Ban the word" are being flashed by protesters. I hope you'll excuse me for a lack of sympathy, but are you serious? Welcome to America assholes.

I'm sure many people think I'm an insensitive jerk, but things like this really piss me off. Ban the movie? Are these people aware that the same Bill of Rights that gives them the right to protest the movie gives the movie makers the right to make and show the movie? Or is this irony lost on them as it is on most morons who walk around with signs trying to promote censorship? They sound like retards when I put it that way don't they? Ok, I'm getting mean, but I'm offended by their being offended. I don't know where this incredible sensitivity comes from, but it's extremely prevalent in America and I'm damned tired of it. If these people don't like the way the movie portrays retarded people, don't go see it. Hell if you're really offended, ask your family not to see it. But saying the movie needs to be banned is, well, retarded. If you don't like the fact that I'm throwing in the word retard as much as possible in this entry, you can go to hell. Don't keep reading, I won't be mad. Retarded retards acting like frickin retards are retarding their own efforts and looking like retards in the process. Still here? That's your choice. There are a lot of movies that offend me. The recent Sex and The City movie comes to mind, but you know what I always do when this happens? I spend my money elsewhere and I let other people with bad taste go and watch movies like that. It's really that simple.

It seems like every week there's a new example of overly sensitive people crying about something new. Quite frankly I hope they cry themselves to death, because at least then they'll spare the rest of us their constant bitching. Why are people getting so worked up in this case? Presumably because the word retard is being applied in a derogatory manner. Sure, but 20 years ago it was PC. 20 years from now people may be calling other people mentally handicapped in the exact same way and then the "cognitively challenged" will be pissed. Whatever, what we're talking about are semantics. It's just a word. If you don't consider yourself retarded (as another sign proclaimed), then why be offended? It's like black people calling each other "niggas" and getting unbelievably offended when any other color calls them the same. It's dumb. This is the United States and people are allowed to say what they want, why can't people get used to that? Athiests, agnostics and Jews getting all angry over Christians expressing their beliefs: fuck you. Christians getting uptight because The DaVinci Code says Jesus got married: get over it, it was a fictional novel. Chinese offended because a Spanish team took a photo holding their eyes in a slanted position: I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you do indeed have eyes that appear slanted, it's not racist to point out facts. Mentally handicapped upset because a new comedy uses the word retard a couple of times: don't go see it, all you're doing is giving it free publicity by protesting it like this.

The moral of the story is stop being a bunch of pussies America. Land of the free, that's what they call us. So stop getting your panties in a bunch just because people are saying things that offend you. People say stuff that offends me all the time. Hell people being offended by retarded shit offends me. You probably barely even noticed my use of retard in the last sentence now that I've saturated your eyes with it. Just another tip for the easily offended, words lose their edge when overused and left to fade away. Call it immersion therapy 101. But just like it's your right to be offended, it's the other person's right to offend. Remember that freedom is a two way street.

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